Social Media Strategy
On Point Posts, Blogs and Video Scripts
On Point Posts, Blogs and Video Scripts

Every public relations firm should have the depth of capability to navigate with equal dexterity the waters of both traditional and social media. The issue in media strategy should never be “whether” we pursue traditional print, broadcast and digital media or social media, but how we strategically integrate use of both to optimize brand visibility and entice favorable action from each target audience.
There are many agencies today that are dedicated social media agencies, but do they also have 20 years of experience working with The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and NPR? TCO ensures your social media and traditional media work in unison to maintain a cohesive brand identity. And because social media offers a real-time opportunity to connect with diverse audiences, customers, clients, and even the media, we design messages that create positive engagement and result in relationships that lead to brand loyalty.
Our social media management services include content development and influencer engagement for proprietary blog and microsite creation, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, as well as YouTube channel development, messaging and scripts.